Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tiny Hospital Blankets - Your life will never be the same

It's not until you've folded your first 3x3 pink and blue striped hospital blanket that suddenly it will occur to you that your life will never be the same. Chances are your first thought will be the distant memory of the last time you washed your own linens, followed by a parade of flashbacks of the spit-up, leaky diapers changed in bed at 2am and 5am feedings, and spilled milk (and don't be surprised if you cry over that at some point during those first few postpartum days by the way).

As I recall, it was the first time I'd managed to wash a load of laundry since the baby was born and I was so proud of myself I thought I might cry (and thanks to postpartum hormonal surges I think I actually did). I've helped close millions of dollars of advertising revenue and given presentations in front of 300 or more people, but after giving birth your standard for what counts as accomplishment changes pretty drastically. I used to feel guilty for not brushing my teeth before going to bed sometimes. Now I feel pretty pleased with myself if the bedtime brushing isn't my first of the day.

With all of that said, I couldn't imagine my laundry without those little blankets or my life without the little person I swaddle in them (oh yeah and wipe up the occasional spit up or spilled milk with, when a burp cloth isn't handy).